Top Summer Pests to Watch For

Hello, Summer! Beach days, sunny skies, ice cream…there is so much to love about summer. Yet it is also important to remember that warm weather also means new seasonal pest activity. Here are a few key summer pests to watch out for: Stinging insects such as wasps,...

Why Ants Enter Your Home & How to Prevent Ants

Even though there are an estimated ten billion ants existing on the planet, it can still come as a shock to some home owners when they’ve discovered an infestation has taken route in their home. If you’re one of the many homeowners who is less than pleased with these...

Top Deer Tick Facts

Tick season is upon us, and everyone is on the lookout for the most dreaded spreader of Lyme disease: the deer tick. Deer ticks are about 3mm in size when full grown, have a brown body and black legs. They also sport a black spot behind their heads. Now that you can...

Top Spring Pests to Watch For

Spring is in the air! Unfortunately with warmer temperatures and increased sunlight also comes a resurgence of many seasonal pests. In order to get the most out of your springtime joy, here are some pests to look out for: Ants – House ants and carpenter ants can...

How the Mosquito Population Grows

Mosquitos can be a nuisance for a number of reasons, not the least of which being their propensity for spreading disease and enjoying you as their next meal. And don’t forget about the itching! If you, like everyone else, want to effectively protect yourself and your...